Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Written by Charles October 22, 2013

Today was an early day.  We woke up at 5:15 and left Wharekauhau. We landed in Auckland at around 11:00.  When we got to the hotel, we saw people jumping off a space needle in Auckland. Long story short, we signed up, but William was not big enough. Me and my dad ended up doing it! It was 660 ft tall!  We got up there and got strapped in, and the guy said don't blink! Then he pushed me. I was falling!  It was kind of like floating down two cables with the wind rushing by me. Then I slowed down, which was like having your stomach left behind. My eyes bulged out like a frog's, and my brain felt like it was going to explode. It was awesome seeing the buildings float higher and higher. I kind of went down on my stomach with my feet and arms sticking out.

We also sailed on an World's Cup boat, and that was fun. When we tilted, we got to a forty-five degree angle. I got scared that I was going to fall out into the cold water. We would scramble to the other side of the boat whenever it turned. The lady said that the high side is the dry side. A man found that out the hard way by getting drenched!

Written by Charles October 23, 2013

Today we did a lot of different things.  We went to a waterpark that all the water was naturally heated to 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit.  They had 4 or 5 different pools and four water slides.  My favorite part was the water slides.  Then we went to a rock climbing gym.  There were tons of walls to climb.  There were also different “challenges.”  There was a rope ladder, a staircase that wobbled, and a huge slide.  The spiral staircase had huge pillars that went up twenty feet into the air, making a staircase, and then you repel off them.  The ladder moved, and the slide was 24 vertical feet tall.  A winch pulled a set of handlebars that pulled you up twenty-four feet in the air.  Then you had to let go and slide down onto a mat.

After the rock gym, we did a couple hours of school.  Then we did the highlight of the day.  It was a flight simulator.  It was one of the ones that were in an actual cockpit of a plane.  I went first and did a really good job of landing the 737-300.  I landed and took off in Beijing.  It was hard because I had to fly right through the city and land at a runway that I could barely see.  I worked the throttles, flaps, yoke (steering wheel), and the rudder all at the same time.  I only crashed once!  The instructors that I was flying with said that I should be a fighter pilot and then move onto a commercial airliner.

If you thought me crashing once was bad, I looked impeccable compared to William.  William crashed into a tree, building, almost two mountains and even the runway!  Everyone in the cockpit, including the instructor, was laughing their heads off by the end of the forty minutes.  William was terrorizing Queenstown by flying twenty feet from mountains, skimming buildings and trying to kill the ground crew.  Some highlights were when he landed, and ten seconds while halfway down the runway, he said “Oh! We landed.”  Also on a final approach he said  “Landing gear up.  Wait, I mean down!”   Also he turned a ‘touch and go’ into a ‘slide the wing across the runway and go’!  On his last “landing” he managed to skid sideways down the runway and stop right in front of the taxiway that led to the terminal.  Lastly, when he stopped in front of the taxiway, the instructor said that he needed to drop the passengers at the gate.  William did full throttle and brought the passengers to their cars instead.  The instructor was an actual pilot who flies the new 787 Dreamliner from Auckland to San Francisco. Those were two flights to remember!

Written by Charles October 24, 2013

I can now say I’ve jumped out of a plane.  Yes, we went skydiving!  My crazy family and I signed up for a 16,500 feet high jump!  It was awesome!  I was a little nervous after seeing my dad jump out.  It was my turn after he went.  I put my feet outside of the plane, and immediately it felt like the wind would rip my legs off.  After two seconds we were out of the plane.  We tumbled for less than a second till we straightened out.  I was strapped to the instructor’s stomach, and I was falling on my stomach.  I got scared when I saw the how far away the clouds were.  That feeling was immediately overcome by excitement and adrenaline.  I could have been floating in the air if the wind hadn’t been trying to rip me from limb to limb!  While I was in the air, I was trying to figure out how to explain it all on the blog.  I finally realized that it was somewhat like skiing downhill very fast with a t-shirt and shorts on.  The parachute opened at five thousand feet, while we were still in the clouds.  We parachuted down, and I even got to steer the parachute for a little while.  We floated down and hit the ground.  The instructor told me that we had gotten a whole 75 seconds of free-fall!  He also told me that we averaged 200 kph while in the free-fall.  I thought that it was the coolest thing we have done. It was tied for first with the flight simulator.

After skydiving, we took a helicopter to lunch on an island called Waiheke.  It was in a vineyard, and it was boring compared to skydiving.  I read for most of the lunch.  The interesting part was the helicopter ride, in which we saw lots of big yachts, and we saw the tower I jumped off of.  We did school for the rest of the afternoon back in our hotel room Auckland.  Tomorrow we are going to Australia.  I think that I will like it in Australia.

Fun facts about New Zealand (by William and Charles)

·      There are more sheep then people in New Zealand; the ratio is 9 to 1.
·      There are no snakes in New Zealand or any other deadly animal.
·      The most deadly animal in New Zealand is a human.
·      The only poisonous things are a type of spiders, which are very rare to find.
·      Gold was once a major industry in New Zealand.
·      There are few native trees left in New Zealand.
·      Sheep are not native because the British brought them.
·      Most animals that are native are birds, such as the Kiwi.
·      New Zealanders are called kiwis.
·      There are birds known to be as big as fully-grown men. (They are extinct)
·      Volcanoes formed the North Island, while earthquakes formed the South Island.
·      The Maori people (The Native People) were cannibals.
·      The Al blacks (Their rugby Team) are one of the best teams in the world.
·      The two islands of New Zealand came from two different parts of Pangaea.
·      Scientists call New Zealand “the shaky isles” because they have over 5,000 minor earthquakes a year.

Written by William October 24, 2013

A few days ago in Auckland, we went to a hot springs waterpark, to a rock climbing place, and we also did a flight simulator all in one day. At the waterpark, there were water slides that were around 36 degrees Celsius, and they were really fast. We liked the water slides a lot, but my parents got bored, so they dragged us to the hot pool, where it was really boring. Then we went to an indoor rock-climbing place, which was a lot of fun. I got to the top a lot of times on one of the walls.

I don’t know why, but my family says I crashed a few times at the flight simulator. I thought I did perfectly fine, but they said my landings were so bad that even the pilot was cracking up. What made him start laughing was after I had already landed, I said, “oh, I landed?” at the end of the runway. I also trimmed a tree, which I think was just helping the gardeners.

The next day we went skydiving!! I was nervous and excited at the same time, which the instructor said was normal. He said if you’re not nervous, you’re crazy, and if you’re not excited, then what are you doing there?! We took a plane up into the air 16, 500 feet, and then we jumped out of the plane. We had a free fall for 75 seconds, during which I was hoping my parachute would deploy. My dad was thinking to himself, “what have I done?” My mom was trying not to throw up. Miss Jenn was having fun, and Charles was wondering how he would describe it on the blog. I asked my parents if we could do it again as soon as we landed, but they told me that they had a helicopter coming to pick us up. I said “oh darn” sarcastically. Then we took the helicopter over to an island called Waiheke, where we had lunch on a vineyard. We were thinking of doing archery right in the middle of the vineyard, but then we all got sleepy after the adrenaline finally wore off. After lunch we flew back to Auckland and did school work for the rest of the afternoon. The activities we did in Auckland were really fun, and I want to go back next year. 

1 comment:

  1. Is that the Flaherty Family on that rope? Is that a plane you are jumping out of? Wow!!!
